The stars have aligned to allow us to offer these three amazing, ultra high-end, 100% custom pieces of furniture to you at 75% off. These three pieces - each made one at a time in the studio shop of Draper DBS Inc in Buck's County, Pa - are truly one of a kind works of art.
Reader: What makes Draper DBS so special? (a hint of sarcasm that I don't quite catch)
Me: Really - you want me to go into that now? You know I'm a cabinet nerd, right?
Reader: Yes, yes, yes, please - inform us against our will. (quiet sigh to yourself as you search for a comfy chair - I totally miss the sarcasm again)
Me: Well ok....if you really wanna know. But, you know....I've got a proposal to get finished this evening. How about if I just give you the bullet points & you can ask questions?
Reader: Ok - but hurry up so you don't miss any details. (in your head: oh wow - he wasn't kidding when he said it was someone's lucky day!)
Draper DBS:
- Has been recognized within the construction industry as the highest quality custom furniture, cabinetry, and millwork for over 20 years.
- While most cabinetry manufacturers, factory and local, have automated their construction process - Draper DBS takes an entirely different approach by allowing the most experienced woodworkers to maintain quality control of an entire project by working on it from start through completion. Each piece is individually signed by the hand that made it.
- Known as the most innovative company in the industry. If it can be built, this is where you can get it.
- Recognized by many as the root of both the integrated appliance and historic reproduction trends that have shaped our industry for the past two decades. (I can go on for hours about this)
- A cheesy designer might call DBS the "Bentley of the cabinet business", so I don't tell people this because I would NEVER compare our work to the Auto industry.
- Just like a beautiful sculpture, Draper DBS pieces tend to evoke a strong emotional response. As their slogan says, "Art from the Artisans".
OK, Ok - I'll shut up. Here are the pieces available. Drum roll please......
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Click Image to Enlarge
If you have any questions about the pieces listed above, or if you'd like to schedule an appointment to view them in person - please contact us at our showroom.
Showroom Phone #: 843-408-0543
Email Address:
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